
Ready to travel? Which destination would you like to know more?

All blog posts are based on my travel experiences, which span more than 18 years. I enjoy slow travel. I often revisited destinations and stayed longer than a month (sometimes longer than six months). I traveled to more than 55 countries so far, but traveling has never been checking off a list of names. It was more of discovering about myself, other people, and about this world. #BucketLiving. I go far and long for cultural experiences and stories, as you might already know if you have been following my journeys for all these years. You can read more about me here. The biggest lesson I got from traveling is that we are all human. We take care of each other. Kindness, generosity, humor, and so on, all these qualities can be found in every corner of the world. Everyone has interesting stories to tell and I intend to listen.

South Korea
North America
South America
Central America
Middle East

Destination posts

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