Runaway Daily: USA – Day 9. Stepping into Bear fever – Boyertown, PA

Boyertown Bear - Fever


Day 9. Stepping into Bear fever – Boyertown, PA


“We are in the downtown already?”

That was the first thing I said about Boyertown. Right after, literally – right after, got off the old highway 100, there it was, Boyertown with a saluting bear. What a pretty town! Lots of old houses, brick buildings, charming little stores with unique signs… and of course, the bears. Bear fever, that’s what they call. Bears are everywhere, and even with different outfits.

It’s a small town with 4,000 population. The main reason why we are here is because of we are visiting friends who live here, Kristen, Stephen’s friend and Jamie, and their lovely dog Juni. Otherwise I would never thought to visit, but I’m really glad I had a chance. Like I always say, travel is about living and life. Hot spots are not only places that worth to visit. Though, it doesn’t mean that Boyertown is a lesser of hot spots! 🙂


Anyhow, short one day visit in Boyertown was lovely. Starting with Juni’s impressive tricks (she’s so smart!), and we shared a great bottle of Morganhof, a bottle of South African wine that Stephen saved for years. Certainly it was a special occasion with good company, the wine was the perfect cherry on top and rainbow sprinkles on cappuccino. *wink wink to Kristen*


Wine at Kristen's


We went out for food and beer. Actually, Jamie brews hard cider. Yes, he’s a brewer. I think that is really one of the coolest job in the world. Well, maybe beer/wine/cider taster would be much cooler because they don’t have to do any hard process, but brewer is a much more royal profession, in my opinion.

We shared a bottle of ‘Early Man’ one of his product. It’s dry, and it’s strong. One word – it’s fantastic. But be careful, it’s stronger than normal cider but it doesn’t taste that much of strong alcohol, that makes his product better quality drink but that could get you!  🙂  Check out Frecon Farms hard cider if you are interested in quality hard cider.



Band was playing, wind was blowing and we were drinking and chatting. Basically all we did was just hang around, eating and talking but that’s what we do – enjoy life. And we are loving it. This bar had a great collection of draft beer. One of the reasons I love being here is this, quality beer. Seriously.

Kristen and Jamie volunteered in Senegal, Western Africa. Their photo album was full of inspiration.


Live music and good food!


Live music and good beer


Now it’s time to hit the road again.

We landed in Boyertown, PA, for a day. You could say in the middle of nowhere, but I think that’s the benefit of the roadtrip. We can pick the place on the map, and just drive there. After all, we travelers respect all the aspects of living, from here and there. We stay if we want, we leave if we don’t.

Now we are leaving for Clarks Summit, PA. Another new town for Runaway Juno. Looking forward to have all new experiences and surprises that are waiting for me.



Special thanks to Kristen & Jamie and Juni & two cat brothers for their hospitality and letting us make ourselves comfortable in their awesome house. I mean it, I love their house. 



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Belgian beer at Eulogy


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