Her Packing List: Five Extra Something in My Backpack


Backpacking photo: Karin_and_Bruce on Flickr


I’m leaving soon, and traveling with a backpack. This trip is going to be long, and it’s not a vacation. I will be living out of my backpack, so I need my usual items along with super-travel-friendly things. Besides of my small but powerful items, and hiking pants, running shoes, t-shirts, laptop, I packed little extra something, and I’m going to share with all of you.



Beauty products: high heels & makeup

When I’m traveling, even I’m backpacking, I want to dress up and look good every now and then. I can’t help it: I’m a girl. Of course, hiking pants and running shoes are working pretty well for me and I wouldn’t trade the comfort for looking good. However, there’s a moment time to time. Social events, meeting friends and family, and/or a date, I want to look good. High heels and makeup take up quite a lot of space compare to flip flops and tank tops, but it’s worth it.


High-heel shoe
High heel shoe Photo: Amie.J on Flickr



Manuka honey

Manuka honey is from manuka bush and it’s New Zealand’s specialty. I travel with a small jar of manuka honey. The reason?: It’s comforting and works good when I’m sick on the road. It is well known for their antibacterial properties. But without the medical fact, it works well with hot tea when I have cold or tongue bumps. Also manuka honey is not as sweet as other honey I’ve had. On the side note, manuka tea is also great, but it was hard to find even in New Zealand.



Sleeping bag 

There are many Do and Don’t on the packing lists, and quite a lot of them say it’s useless. But it is totally depending on the destination and the travel style. For me, it works. When I stay with a friend, I like to be a low maintenance guest, who has my own sleeping gear. I won’t stay at hotels in Edinburgh city centre, I will be staying with friends, couch surfing or find a camping spot. And when I stay with a friend, I like to be a low maintenance guest, who has my own sleeping gear. Some hostels don’t have a blanket. Mine is small. And it gives me the chance for being independent for sleep location. So, I’m taking it.


Tea photo: Bright-eyed Eulalie on Flickr



I pack tea for two reasons. First, because I enjoy tea. Usually I buy tea from a local market but I pack some of my usual tea to have some time to get to know local products. Drinking hot beverage is comforting, no matter where and when. And Second, I use it for making my drinking water taste good. Sometimes tab water or even bottled water has an odd scent. Put one green tea bag in the water, and it’s all good. For this time, I packed the rest of BOH tea from Malaysia and Jeju green tea.



Travel companions

Strange or endearing? Confession: I travel with stuffed animals. Not a 5lb teddy bear, just a little two kiwi birds. I rescued them from a gift shop in Auckland, New Zealand, and they are traveling with me ever since. They are not efficient or helping me to solve the problem, but they give me smile. So I guess they are helping me to travel better.



What do you think about my items? Do you pack something unique for yourself?

What are those? 
Juno with wildlife in Back Lake


#This post includes a sponsored link that help me travel further, and write better.


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