To Become Great, Build Something Great

entrepreneur |ˌäntrəprəˈnoŏr; -ˈnər|


a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.

• a promoter in the entertainment industry.


I didn’t realize that I became an entrepreneur. I was following where my heart led me, and voila, now I’m one of them.

When I finally quit my job to be a travel writer, I had quite a few panic attacks. I thought I built something really great, but I was looking at just a trailhead of a mountain size of Kilimanjaro. I still had a long way to go and was on one path among thousands. Just like learning wine. The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know. For some time I couldn’t look at Facebook updates. It made me feel like everyone but me was moving on and scoring in their life, professionally. Speaker, author, published photographer, successful blogger and so on. I was keep questioning, “why couldn’t I be like that?”

Enlightenment came.

To be professionally successful, I needed to do something great first. The idea in my head won’t prove anything. My action, the big leap was just a start. It took me to the starting point, and now it was my turn. I needed to actually start building something good. And I didn’t realize that before.

Once I saw this advertisement from National Geographic (or other photography magazine), that the answer to the question “how can I be an amazing photographer?” was “go somewhere amazing.” So true. Every shot would be a magazine worthy in the Alps than the everyday life in the city. If the surrounding is amazing, it’s easier to mimic the amazingness than create the whole new one. The effort to get ourselves to the amazing place, that’s what makes everything different.

Hickory Run State Park PA USA_j

I quit my job. I have an interesting website. I have a good personality. I have abilities. However, these facts won’t get me to the pedestal. My action will.

Ever since the enlightenment came to my system, I’ve tried hard to create something meaningful and evergreen. I had minor success along the way, but I still have high hopes. My notebook is filled with scribbles of ideas, short sentences and list of things to do.

Every single day, to become great, I’m building something great.

Cheers to you all entrepreneurs out there.

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