A Birthday Tribute







Today is my birthday.

I love birthdays in general. It’s so exciting, isn’t it?

One day, this is the day that you are the center of the world. Oh well, I think everyday that I am the center of this universe but it’s different cause it’s official. You were born many years ago TODAY! So you have a right to celebrate.

For this super amazing day, I thought of things that I love. Especially things I learn about myself on the road. There’s so many but had to narrow it down to 21 things as a symbol of 20 something of my age.


Things I’ve learn on the road that I like.


1. Backpacking. I can’t live and leave without my backpack.

2. Laughing and a big, big smile. Even if it gives me a bad stomach cramps. Worth it.

3. Learning other languages. Deep understanding of other languages is very interesting!

4. Serendipity. This is the best kind of amusement.

5. Hostel life. The spontaneous.

6. Wine and Beer! Knew I love beer but after taste diverse wine in New Zealand, wine became one of my favourite drinks.

7. Souvenirs. Doesn’t have to be from souvenir shop. Just something that means to me. Even a pieace of rock.

8. Summer, beach and bikini. I thought Winter was my favourite season but not anymore.

9. Sunglasses.

10. Cooking. I’m quite good at actually!

11. Solo travel and travel with spontaneous companions.

12. Glacier. That was one of the most fascinating thing I’ve ever seen and climbed on.

13. Weetbix from New Zealand. Still, that is the best breakfast.

14. UGG boots. Those are gorgeous and the warmest thing for foot!

15. Social media. It’s a new frontier in travel community and I’m enjoying it. Who knew I could run a travel blog in English?

16. Snowboarding. Nothing like snowboarding on natural snow field.

17. The facts that I am brave, eventhough I jumped like a little girl when I’m scared.

18. Red eye transportation. Red eye train from Seoul to Busan was a start. It’s a time saver and offers a gorgeous view.

19. That I’m not too tall nor too big. I can wear ‘small’ size clothe from America. Booya!

20. French fries as my hangover food. Along with fish and chips.

21. Do is always better than not do even if I fail.

A year after year, I grew up. The biggest trigger was backpacking. This year is special because it’s the first celebration with Runaway Juno. Yesterday, at almost midnight I thought, ‘Oh what ‘birthday mid-night’ means anyways. Due to the time zone, I get to have so many birthdays every hour tomorrow!’.

Yes I am globalized. I’m excited about having a much longer birthday this year.


Cheers to wiser me (hopefully), and another year of adventure.  *clink*

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